Error with Avast

Hey all had Avast installed for some time now V4.6 and yesterday afternoon it all of a sudden turned off. So I tried to start it back up and got lots of errors, can’s load spash something and some sort of database error.

So I uninstalled it and reinstalled it well same thing would not load and windows security said it was turned off also. So I uninstalled it again and wen tin and made sure the directory was gone and tried to locate any extra files that might be lurking in there. Downloaded lastet version again and it did the same thing.

Any idea what is going on? If so how do I get it completely uninstalled like and clean uninstaller so I can reinstall.


Can you go to ‘Troubleshotting’ tab of the settings and check the option to change the storage method from ODBC to XML ?
Boot. Will it work?

Sorry for the long delay in a reply was outta town.
I reinstalled Avast tonight and tried to click on program settings as you said, when I do nothing happens program settings does not come up.

Any idea how to get it to load?

BTW I am getting the following errrors at startup.

Storage can’t be created for “Splash” task

Config not loaded properly. Error dbscreate object

Program can’t save parameter to storage. error dbscreate object

  • Get the uninstall uitl from the website.
  • Use it to completely remove Avast.
  • Reboot the system.
  • Install Avast again.
    Does this solves the problem?

If you still get the database error, change ODBC to XML in avast4.ini and see if that solves it.

If this doesn’t solve the problems, please provide more details like:

  • What OS are you using?
  • What other security software do you have installed?
  • Is/was there another av on the system? If so which one?
    etc etc.