Errore aggiornamento definizione virus

Buongiorno a tutti, recentemente ho riscontrato un problema nell’aggiornamento del programma e della definizione virus.
Entrambi gli aggiornamenti falliscono per “errore sconosciuto”.
Qualcuno ha riscontrato qualche problema e mi può aiutare a risolverlo?
Allego il log di sistema

2018-02-07 13:54:07.267Infoinstup[4304,7660]Command: ‘“C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\Setup\Instup.exe” /control_panel’
2018-02-07 13:54:07.267Infoinstup[4304,7660]CPU: Intel(R) Core™ i7-4500U CPU @ 1.80GHz,4
2018-02-07 13:54:07.267Infoinstup[4304,7660]OS: Windows 8.1 x64
2018-02-07 13:54:07.267Infoinstup[4304,7660]Memory: 73% load. Phys:1094320/4093028K free, Page:1749536/4194303K free, Virt:4019168/4194176K free
2018-02-07 13:54:07.267Infoinstup[4304,7660]DISKs: C:\ - 358GB free / 425GB total
2018-02-07 13:54:07.267Infoinstup[4304,7660]DISKs: D:\ - 24GB free / 24GB total
2018-02-07 13:54:07.267Infoinstup[4304,7660]Running module version: instup.exe - ‘17.9.3761.0’
2018-02-07 13:54:07.267Infoinstup[4304,7660]Running module version: Instup.dll - ‘17.9.3761.0’
2018-02-07 13:54:07.267Infomutex[4304,7660]The ownership of the secure mutex has been successfully taken.
2018-02-07 13:54:07.268Infoinstup[4304,7660]Loading product state
2018-02-07 13:54:07.272Infoinstup[4304,7660]Guid = 79f31238-ef98-4275-a3b5-4c8cfe80665b, Created = 20:33:22 17.01.2017
2018-02-07 13:54:07.272Infoinstup[4304,7660]Persistent Guid = 552628a8-4932-4cc2-8ae0-1831b306a942, Created = 20:33:22 17.01.2017
2018-02-07 13:54:07.272Infoinstup[4304,7660]ProductId = ais
2018-02-07 13:54:07.272Infoinstup[4304,7660]Edition = 12
2018-02-07 13:54:07.272Infoinstup[4304,7660]SubEdition =
2018-02-07 13:54:07.272Infoinstup[4304,7660]Installed Part info:
2018-02-07 13:54:07.272Infoinstup[4304,7660]Part ‘iex’ = ‘iex’, 10 (0x0000000A), 12:43:34 23.01.2018
2018-02-07 13:54:07.272Infoinstup[4304,7660]Part ‘jrog2’ = ‘jrog2’, 5696 (0x00001640), 12:43:34 23.01.2018
2018-02-07 13:54:07.272Infoinstup[4304,7660]Part ‘program’ = ‘prg_ais’, 285804818 (0x11090912), 09:18:14 21.12.2017
2018-02-07 13:54:07.272Infoinstup[4304,7660]Part ‘setup’ = ‘setup_ais’, 285804818 (0x11090912), 09:18:15 21.12.2017
2018-02-07 13:54:07.272Infoinstup[4304,7660]Part ‘vps’ = ‘vps_win32’, 402727682 (0x18012302), 12:43:37 23.01.2018
2018-02-07 13:54:07.272Infoinstup[4304,7660]Latest Part info:
2018-02-07 13:54:07.272Infoinstup[4304,7660]Part ‘iex’ = ‘iex’, 10 (0x0000000A), 12:43:34 23.01.2018
2018-02-07 13:54:07.272Infoinstup[4304,7660]Part ‘jrog2’ = ‘jrog2’, 5696 (0x00001640), 12:43:34 23.01.2018
2018-02-07 13:54:07.272Infoinstup[4304,7660]Part ‘program’ = ‘prg_ais’, 285804818 (0x11090912), 09:18:14 21.12.2017
2018-02-07 13:54:07.272Infoinstup[4304,7660]Part ‘setup’ = ‘setup_ais’, 285804818 (0x11090912), 09:18:15 21.12.2017
2018-02-07 13:54:07.272Infoinstup[4304,7660]Part ‘vps’ = ‘vps_win32’, 402727682 (0x18012302), 12:43:37 23.01.2018
2018-02-07 13:54:07.272Inforegis[4304,7660]BackupFileToRegistry: file ‘C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\setup\setup.ini’ was successfully backed up to value ‘SetupIniBackup’.
2018-02-07 13:54:07.283Infousnca[4304,7660]USN cache loaded from the disk.
2018-02-07 13:54:07.283Infoinstup[4304,7660]Loading Proxy settings
2018-02-07 13:54:07.283Infoinstup[4304,7660]Proxy-Type: ‘no proxy’
2018-02-07 13:54:07.283Infoinstup[4304,7660]Proxy-Authorization: ‘no authentication’
2018-02-07 13:54:07.283Infoinstup[4304,7660]Proxy-Port: ‘8080’
2018-02-07 13:54:07.283Infoinstup[4304,7660]Proxy-Name: ‘’
2018-02-07 13:54:07.283Infoinstup[4304,7660]Proxy-User: ‘’
2018-02-07 13:54:07.283Infoinstup[4304,7660]Proxy-Pass: ‘???’
2018-02-07 13:54:07.298Infopart[4304,7660]SetInstalled: Part package part-iex-a.vpx is installed.
2018-02-07 13:54:07.314Infopart[4304,7660]SetInstalled: Part package part-jrog2-1640.vpx is installed.
2018-02-07 13:54:07.329Infopart[4304,7660]SetInstalled: Part package part-prg_ais-11090912.vpx is installed.
2018-02-07 13:54:07.348Infopart[4304,7660]SetInstalled: Part package part-setup_ais-11090912.vpx is installed.
2018-02-07 13:54:07.374Infopart[4304,7660]SetInstalled: Part package part-vps_win32-18012302.vpx is installed.
2018-02-07 13:54:07.422Infoinstcore[4304,7660]PkgLoadProductInfo: product XML was successfully loaded.
2018-02-07 13:54:07.769Infowizard[4304,7660]Running module version: HTMLayout.dll - ‘’
2018-02-07 13:54:07.769Warningsettings[4304,3328]Did not find any values in file ‘C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\burger_client.ini’
2018-02-07 13:54:07.773Infowizard[4304,7660]Loaded module version: C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\Setup\HTMLayout.dll - ‘’
2018-02-07 13:54:07.816Infowizard[4304,7660]Setup gui was successfully started.
2018-02-07 13:54:09.852Infoinstcore[4304,7660]Setup update has started.
2018-02-07 13:54:09.867Infoservers[4304,7660]Server definition(s) loaded for ‘C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\setup\servers.def’: 29 (maintenance:0)
2018-02-07 13:54:09.867Infoservers[4304,7660]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download h0637628 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.
2018-02-07 13:54:13.385Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: download failed with error 0x00002bc6!
2018-02-07 13:54:13.425Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ‘’. Next try: 1
2018-02-07 13:54:13.457Infoservers[4304,7660]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download p3713387 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.
2018-02-07 13:54:26.194Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: download failed with error 0x00002bc6!
2018-02-07 13:54:26.216Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ‘’. Next try: 2
2018-02-07 13:54:26.241Infoservers[4304,7660]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download v7630928 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.
2018-02-07 13:54:31.777Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: download failed with error 0x00002bc6!
2018-02-07 13:54:31.800Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ‘’. Next try: 3
2018-02-07 13:54:31.820Infoservers[4304,7660]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download t5730298 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.
2018-02-07 13:54:33.912Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: download failed with error 0x00002bc6!
2018-02-07 13:54:33.952Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ‘’. Next try: 4
2018-02-07 13:54:33.984Infoservers[4304,7660]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download r5525652 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.
2018-02-07 13:54:40.789Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: download failed with error 0x00002bc6!
2018-02-07 13:54:40.855Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ‘’. Next try: 5
2018-02-07 13:54:40.885Infoservers[4304,7660]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download h1874089 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.
2018-02-07 13:54:42.978Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: download failed with error 0x00002bc6!
2018-02-07 13:54:42.997Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ‘’. Next try: 6
2018-02-07 13:54:43.027Infoservers[4304,7660]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download v6834318 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.
2018-02-07 13:54:48.912Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: download failed with error 0x00002bc6!
2018-02-07 13:54:48.955Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ‘’. Next try: 7
2018-02-07 13:54:48.985Infoservers[4304,7660]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download l5978727 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.
2018-02-07 13:54:51.077Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: download failed with error 0x00002bc6!
2018-02-07 13:54:51.108Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ‘’. Next try: 8
2018-02-07 13:54:51.137Infoservers[4304,7660]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download s4705686 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.
2018-02-07 13:54:56.043Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: download failed with error 0x00002bc6!
2018-02-07 13:54:56.091Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ‘’. Next try: 9
2018-02-07 13:54:56.112Infoservers[4304,7660]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download z2461313 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.
2018-02-07 13:54:58.205Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: download failed with error 0x00002bc6!
2018-02-07 13:54:58.250Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ‘’. Next try: 10
2018-02-07 13:54:58.276Infoservers[4304,7660]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download d0211227 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.
2018-02-07 13:55:00.296Infoservers[4304,7660]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download r5525652 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.
2018-02-07 13:55:06.690Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: download failed with error 0x00002bc6!
2018-02-07 13:55:06.742Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ‘’. Next try: 1
2018-02-07 13:55:06.761Infoservers[4304,7660]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download t5730298 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.
2018-02-07 13:55:13.268Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: download failed with error 0x00002bc6!
2018-02-07 13:55:13.309Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ‘’. Next try: 2
2018-02-07 13:55:13.329Infoservers[4304,7660]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download w6607332 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.
2018-02-07 13:55:18.606Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: download failed with error 0x00002bc6!
2018-02-07 13:55:18.657Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ‘’. Next try: 3
2018-02-07 13:55:18.689Infoservers[4304,7660]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download d3116203 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.
2018-02-07 13:55:20.784Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: download failed with error 0x00002bc6!
2018-02-07 13:55:20.832Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ‘’. Next try: 4
2018-02-07 13:55:20.852Infoservers[4304,7660]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download h0637628 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.
2018-02-07 13:55:26.711Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: download failed with error 0x00002bc6!
2018-02-07 13:55:26.766Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ‘’. Next try: 5
2018-02-07 13:55:26.790Infoservers[4304,7660]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download z2461313 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.
2018-02-07 13:55:31.994Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: download failed with error 0x00002bc6!
2018-02-07 13:55:32.038Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ‘’. Next try: 6
2018-02-07 13:55:32.070Infoservers[4304,7660]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download d3116203 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.
2018-02-07 13:55:34.162Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: download failed with error 0x00002bc6!
2018-02-07 13:55:34.213Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ‘’. Next try: 7
2018-02-07 13:55:34.245Infoservers[4304,7660]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download s7284151 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.
2018-02-07 13:55:40.716Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: download failed with error 0x00002bc6!
2018-02-07 13:55:40.738Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ‘’. Next try: 8
2018-02-07 13:55:40.758Infoservers[4304,7660]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download v7630928 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.
2018-02-07 13:55:42.849Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: download failed with error 0x00002bc6!
2018-02-07 13:55:42.890Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ‘’. Next try: 9
2018-02-07 13:55:42.922Infoservers[4304,7660]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download s7284151 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.
2018-02-07 13:55:47.828Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: download failed with error 0x00002bc6!
2018-02-07 13:55:47.872Errordldwrap[4304,7660]HttpGet: An error 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error] has occured when downloading a file from ‘’. Next try: 10
2018-02-07 13:55:47.891Infoservers[4304,7660]ChooseServer: selected server ‘Download l5978727 AVAST9 Server’ with current url ‘’ of type ‘URL_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM’.
2018-02-07 13:55:49.893Errorengine[4304,7660]LoadLatestProdAndParts: download product file ‘prod-pgm.vpx’ has failed. Status: 41227 (0x0000A10B) [Downloader system error]
2018-02-07 13:55:50.012Infostats[4304,7660]Downloaded files: 20 (0,00 KB)
2018-02-07 13:55:50.013Infostats[4304,7660]Download time: 59 s


Voglio sbagliarmi, ma per me dipende dalla tua linea… io eseguo aggiornamenti senza problema. Prova a pulire la cache del tuo pc e fallo ripartire, poi riprova ad aggiornare

Ho provato di tutto, alla fine ho risolto con il caro vecchio metodo: disinstallando e reinstallando il programma.
Per ora funziona.
Grazie mille

Nel passato ho avuto lo stesso errore ed ho risolto impostando come server DNS principale di google nella scheda di rete. i DNS del mio provider (Fastweb) risultavano incompatibili con il server di aggiornamento di Avast.