I would like to report this (apparently little) problem, started with Avast version 4.8.
I have a home network with two computers.
Every time I copy and paste a file from my PC to the Shared Folder of the other PC (named Manu), an error is recorded in the error events and warning events of Avast.
For example, if I copy and paste the file Test_File.exe I have the following error:
20/04/2008 10.09.50 SYSTEM 1556 AAVM - scanning error: x_AavmCheckFileDirectEx: avfilesScanReal of \Manu\shareddocs\Test_File.exe failed, 00000005.
Personally I wouldn’t be too concerned by these log entries unless you are also getting errors displayed to the screen. The windows error 5 = Access is denied, so for whatever reason permissions, etc. it can’t be scanned.
If you try a forum search for AAVM - scanning error: x_AavmCheckFileDirectEx: I think you will find some others relating to this and network shared folders. If you use the advanced search you can order the results by most recent or also include 4.8.11 in the search parameters.
First of all thanks for the answer and the observations.
Nevertheless I would like to make to notice that, in the example of before, any other operation done on the file (Test_file.exe) just pasted in the Shared Folder of the other pc, it doesn’t produce any error or warning about denied access; I can launch, open or cancel it, I can perform, for example, also a manual scanning with Avast on that file, without any recorded warning.
I agree, however, that this is a tolerable problem: I have only signalled to give my little contribution to the improvement of this already excellent antivirus software.
Problem is that every copying into this folder results to this warning. It means probably that this network operation can be not optimal one and can suffer from overhead due to exception processing.