
My knowledge about computers is not great. So the questions i am asking might seem silly.

I have noticed over the last week that if i check the avast log viewer after i do a virus scan that i get errors in the error log.

???AAVM-initialization error-Av Res Run failed, AHRESSTD.D…

???AAVM-iniialization error-Cannot Run Provider, STANDA…

I,ve tried to find out what these mean by checking the forum and FAQ section to no avail.

crofty :-[

It looks like it is saying that the Standard Shield provider could not run?
Is it running currently on your system?

Hi softwareguy

Yep I checked and it’S running

crofty :-[

Does these appear everytime you turn on your computer? Or just once?

???AAVM-iniialization error-Cannot Run Provider, STANDA...

It sounds like the provider is not present on your machine.

Yes as far as i know every time i checked the log viewer they were there, but I am not the only one who uses this computer I’ll get them to check as well.

thanks softwareguy


I checked and the provider looks okay to me, but to be honest i doubt if i would know one way or the other unless there was a warning there of some kind.

thanks pk
