Evaluation expired about 50 days before 60th

I installed Avast! 4 Pro about 10 days ago.

This evening it has come up as expired and needing a license key.

First it came up that an update could not be downloaded because evaluation has expired, then on a reboot it simply told me ta-ta.

I like the product and expect I will license it but would like more time.

My system date today is August 30, 2004.

All folders under the Alwil programs folder are dated August 23, 2004

A remedy please

Which is your installation: trial version or Home version?

Did you tempered with time while using avast! Pro trial? Even if you set the date back to right one,avast! trial days left won’t change…

Avast! 4 Pro evaluation copy. Installed around August 23.

I did NOT tamper with the date at any time on my system.

I DID temporarily remove Avast! for debugging purposes, then re-install it the same day. I used the downloaded tool to remove it, then reinstalled the original download again.

thanks for any help.

Reinstall unfortunately destroys the licensing info. You then have only one week of trial (that’s an anti-piracy measure).

I sent you a demo key with extended validity by email, though.

Hope this helps,

Nice service Alwil :smiley: (sending him/here that key)

So if you remove Avast it is not completly gone. There is still somehting left. (registry key is my guess) Just wondering, does the uninstall utillity deletes this or is it doing the same as cpl > add/remove? Not that I want to uninstall Avast, it’s working beautifully here. Just wondering and curious.

Am I correct here?

Of course, avClear leaves it there. :wink:

BTW this “feature” has been added in build 4.1.418.

Also my avast! Brutal Remove leaves it there :stuck_out_tongue:

[kidding mode on]
So it is not Brutal after all
[kidding mode off]
;D ;D ;D

Thank you vlk - I got the key and it’s back to running. I now have 30 more days (at least that’s what it says).

I guess I just proved that your anti-piracy measures work.

Thanks again