even latest Avast is not working on my system

Hallo Support,

I have windows 10 home latest
For a while Avast free is not working on my laptop.
I can start the installer, I can select minimal/recommended/custom, it starts the installation, then vanquish and only aswEngSrv.exe comes up as a process.

I already run an offline antiviurs scan on this system (attached the disk to another system where avast antivirus free runs) - did not find any issue
I already run the cleanup software of yours - did not help

Today I reinstalled again, but nothing…

Any idea from your side ?


  • Which version/build of Avast Free…?
  • OS…? (32/64 Bit…? - which SP/Build…?)
  • Other security related software installed…?
  • Which AV(s) did you use before Avast…?


Is there any error message?
Please provide us with a support file ID.
To generate the support file, please see this link.

Avast free latest - downloaded today
OS Win10 64bit (is anyone still using 32?) latest build
no other security related software
only avast was on the laptop, but since it fails I tried AVtotal for a month (hoped avast will sove this until)

No error message, Installer just vanquished without error or any status - that’s why I thought it must be a virus and checked the system offline

The original issue was: Avast icon vanquished from the tray (it was working for years!)
Then some day I wanted to run a scan, but could not start up the GUI at all.
Then uninstalled once and since I cannot reinstall

I already made a support file, but it is not secure (not protected by a password) and it says I should get a ticket number first

The support package would be sent to us even without a ticket number.
Please provide us with a support file ID.
To generate the support file, please see this link.

I already made a support package, but I would not like to share it here, because it is not password protected.
Could you remedy this some way please ?

All you are being asked to do by r@vast is to “Please provide us with a support file ID.” a 4 digit alphabetic ID, not attach the file.

This allows Avast to identify the file that was sent to them with your topic.

Dear All,

It is not matching.
The support tool requires a ticket id.
I submitted already the package with the builtin support tool - infortunatelly I did not noted that ID, because I thought the common relation will be the ticket id.
I already got an email from AVG support about the upload, but the ID is not mentioned there also.

(I would suggest to correct these either by adding the ID to that email or highlight that ID at the end of your application and recommend to note it down)

How to proceed then ?

Shall I upload again ?


Now you have me confused, this is the Avast Antivirus support forum, and although Avast Software owns AVG, the two support forums, etc. are separate.

So I don’t know how you got a response from AVG Support - Whilst the https://support.avast.com/en-ww/article/Submit-support-file link that says you need to create a support ticket, to warn avast support you are sending a support file.

Important:Avast Support does not automatically check for newly submitted support files. Before you send a support file via the Avast Support Tool, please notify Avast Support via the support portal.

r@vast is trying to help circumvent the need for that by giving him the File ID that is given when you ran the avastsupport.exe to generate the support file.

Sorry, it was a typo. Excuse me. Of course I am writing about Avast.

I have re-uploaded thepackage.
The code is : IH5NO


Thanks, hopefully r@avast can pin it down now.


Thank you.
I will get back to you.

any update/idea on this please ?


If you go via the control panel, do you see Avast Free (it seems that you still have Avast free 21.3 installed)av
If it is there, could you try to run a repair, please?

of course it is installed, but only something got installed, but not the whole application.
This is what I wrote initially.
Installer vanquishes, I have no processes, no tray icon, cannot start the application…

Also the same when uninstall + reinstall it,
Also the same when using avast cleaner + reinstall

yesterday I installed the latest (21.4).
Issue is the same.
Installer vanquish at the end, but:

  • nothing comes up in the tray
  • two processes are running in the background: aswEngSrv.exe, aswToolsSvc.exe
  • application cannot be found in the start menu ==> cannot start the gui

of course I tried the installer on its own for the first run
then I tried the avast cleaner (in safe mode) then a fresh install
nothing helped


Please uninstall any other antivirus applications and then try to install Avast Free again.

there is no another 3rd party anitivirus installed

How did you remove the AV you used prior to Avast and which wone was that?