Event Viewer - unhandled exception!, 7C3C106D.

Win XP Home SP3
In checking my event viewer - antivirus, I get repeated errors and warnings with the following descriptions:

AAVM - scanning error: x_AavmCheckFileDirectEx: unhandled exception!, 7C3C106D.

AAVM - scanning warning: x_AavmCheckFileDirectEx: (C:\WINDOWS\TEMP_avast4_\unp181516690.tmp) returning error, 80004004.

The event ID is always 90

Any idea what this means? I have googled and blinged it to no avail and cannot find a reference to it by searching on this site.

The event viewer logs shows this to be happening repeatedly, many times per day.

Just verbose of the logs. I won’t worry about any of them…
C:\WINDOWS\TEMP_avast4_\ is the folder for avast temporary files.

Thanks for your prompt reply Tech. Much appreciated.

You’re welcome. Feel free to come back any time you need help or just to change experiences 8)