No matter what file I try to download via kazalite avast shows it has a trojan? I no alot of files are bad on p2p but not every one of them?
here is an example of what i am getting all downloads are trojans so says avast? Can this be true?
When i disable p2p protection
i still get a Trojan or worm detection on all files I try to download at the moment for experimental purposes I tried to download 44 different files all had a problem according to avast, is there a setting I could possibly have wrong? my previous AV programs which are not as good as AVAST in my opinion , avg,McAfee, and NORTON would only find a few bad files? Avast is showing every download as bad?
those were the AV programs i used over the years , yes all former Av profducts are removed cleanly, via ADD/ REMOVE plus , RegSupreme and of course the uninstaller each came with including the one you have to get from NAV’s site for NAV 2003.
is it possible AVAST is showing all.exe files as a trojan or worm for safety reasons?