everything about encryption

Hi, is there any technical document available about the whole encyption system?

Does AVAST have any way to access and read my passwords?


Hi, is there any technical document available about the whole encyption system?
Here is a good start > http://computer.howstuffworks.com/encryption.htm

How can you be that sure?

Thanks, but I mean exactly the AVAST password’s working mechanism, the website only says “encrypted within a five-layer security vault.” Ok, what are those 5 layers? Encryption type? AES-256? Where are the servers under what jurisdiction? Who and how can access the encrypted data? Authentication? AVAST should provide these.

They also say “Be notified if one of your passwords has been leaked” How do they achieve this if they have no access to my passwords??

avast has no way to see/retrieve your passwords as they are encrypted on your system.

Ok, what are those 5 layers?
You want everyone to know how avast passwords exactly is working ? The technical details/code are/is not open source.

I didn’t mean to provide any part of the source code, just the basic mechanism.

The question still exists, how would they notify me about my password leakege if all the passwords are encrypted on my system?

You can read the basic mechanism in the link I gave you.

No, it’s an article about encryption in general. I want to know the basic mechanism of specifically the AVAST password manager.

And the question is still here: how would they notify me about my password leakege if all the passwords are encrypted on my system?

The article tells the basic mechanism of all encryptions, including avast passwords.
You will not get specific things about avast passwords as I already told you.

Stop running around in circles and accept the facts as they are.

Well, this is an answer eventually, but it can’t make me trust this service, or recommend it to anyone.

AVAST should take the concurrent service providers as an example and give detailed information or at least statements what proves its reliability.

Check this, it’s the minimum:


Everything in that article is what avast also has posted on their website (FAQ and others)

Only thing you had to do is read them.

Read here: https://files.avast.com/files/passwords/security-whitepaper.pdf

Thank you this is what I was looking for.

But it still not explain how could they notify me if one of my password has been leaked.

You’re welcome.

we just can find if some of your e-mail(s) was leaked on some servers. We recognize it just via e-mail(s).
Passwords are encrypted and nobody can access them without knowledge of master password.