Everything is denied - rootkits PLease Help me

I have a major problem with my pc- Almost everything i try to do is access denied…
I can’t download the virusprog that you need logs from, I have some screenshots from my pc maybe it will help. I’m totally lost… Please I really need help Another problem is that almost all info on screeshots is in norwegian- Is there a way for me to change it??

Please and thank you <3

Please I really need help Another problem is that almost all info on screeshots is in norwegian
jeg er veldig god til og lese norsk ;) OBS....no screen shot attached

Got this error

and what file type are you trying to attach?

Just those screenshots of those error msg i got and 2 read me files from java install that i think is really weird
I’ll try to post one and one ok?

Hope it works

I have to update all the time cause of redirecting to fake page so it take a little times-

OBS…you dont have to quote yourselfe…just click the reply button below for new post

have you tried avast repair?

contolpanel > ad remove programs > avast > uninstall > repair option…wait 2 minutes and reboot

have avast detected any malware?
have you tried boot scan?

malware expert is notified, he may be at work now so it will be some hours before he arrive. be patient

Look at this what is it?

Thank you

Yes I have tried, but is denied to uninstall- I have the avast cd and tried to scan but the arcive has password so it failed to scan it…

I’ll post the read me files too and wait for the expert - ty again :slight_smile:

it is a screenshot of your forum profile here…why?

files that can not be scanned are just that, no more no less…it does not mean they are infected
avast just give you a scan error report and the reason why

It said that i could not post anymore just 6 pr day. But when I reloaded it change. I wonder if my files change when I send them it sounds crazy, but this is a crazy situation so idk

I’ll see if I can find the log from the cd- and take some time to copy where and when i got this denied messages or other messages that I dint understand- I’ll be back when it’s done. It’s easier for me to explain then <3

Essexboy is notified, so check back in a couple of hours

Right click the link for this file and select save as… Save it to your desktop

Download OTL to your Desktop
Secondary link

[*]Double click on the icon to run it. Make sure all other windows are closed and to let it run uninterrupted.


[*]Select All Users
[*]Under the Custom Scan box paste this in


[*]Click the Run Scan button. Do not change any settings unless otherwise told to do so. The scan wont take long.
[*]When the scan completes, it will open two notepad windows. OTL.Txt and Extras.Txt. These are saved in the same location as OTL.
[*]Post both logs

Thank you
I’ll attack a screenshot of the error i got Idk if you understand norwegian, but I can’t or don’t know how to set my pc to another language…

What operating system are you using XP, Vista, 7 or 8
Also is it 32 or 64 bit