Exception for PUP detection only - feature request possibly

Is there a way of creation of exception just for PUP detection ?

E.g. Avast gives plenty of detections of “PUP virus” for NirSoft utilities,
that contain PUP-like code by their nature.
So Avast does its job well, but the report it irrelevant due utility purposes.

AFAIK Avast exceptions excludes all the testing,
and PUP can be disabled only globally.

Possibly when there is read/write/execute exception mode, there can be added PUP one.

PUP is off by default…so why not use it with default settings

I do know, it was me who switched it ON.
But one extreme is not solution of avoiding the other one.

Forbidding car passage for all city streets is not solution,
if you are interested in the single street.

Forbidding car passage for all city streets is not solution, if you are interested in the single street.
you can turn that around....creating an AV for everyone`s special need is not possible

You can exclude the Nirsoft program in ‘Exclusion’ in the Settings.

It depends on configuration approach, no need to be hard coded.

I know, I was interested in selective option.
BTW, I am very satisfied with Avast, using it since Avast32, coming from AVG.

If policemen are able to find a way,
it would be shame if IT crowd is not. (smiling)

But it was all just a question and suggestion.