EXCEPTION not working ?

Hi All,
I am using Avast prog version 23.11.6090
Build 23.11.8635.809
UI version 1.0.788
I have aproblem here with the Exceptions Options!
Avast is scanning my Backup Image files from Macrium Reflect.
The Macrium Reflect Files are protected files.
So Macrium Reflect objects strongly to this.
I am opening Avast >Menu >Settings >Exceptions >ADD EXCEPTION
I browse to the folder that I want excempt from scanning process.
I add the Folders and Files to the Exception List.
I even re booted the PC.
When I run A Full Virus Scan, Avast scans the folders and files that it has been asked
not to scan in the Exceptions List.
How can I Fix this problem? :frowning:
Thank You.


Thanks for the link,
I have done that,
and followed the instructions,
It does not work for me!
That’s why I posted here,
To see some other options ?
All Ideas and thoughts are Welcome?

Without breaching any security (e.g. change any sensitive path substituting some characters with #) what is the exclusion you are putting in the Exceptions, primarily the Add Advanced Exception section. If you aren’t using the Add Advanced Exception section, try adding it there. Or a screenshot of the exclusion would be helpful.

The fact that Macrium files are protected (by Macrium) doesn’t mean Avast honours that.

I have some exclusions in the regular location that appear to be excluded. That said it is an extremely rare occasion when I run an on-demand scan (usually as a result of a forum topic) and it appears to work just fine.

I was just coming here to make a similar topic. Thanks for saving me the effort.

I was curious and added a desktop folder that just has some safe .exe install files (Chrome, Spotify, iTunes, etc.) as an exception. Before adding, I scanned the whole Desktop folder from the AppData folder (so not from highlighting all the items on my desktop UI itself) without the exception, and then scanned again with the exception. Checked the results and it showed no difference in the scans. Ran the scans multiple times with and without the exception. Restarted with the exception added, ran a repair on Avast from Apps & Features, then ran the same exercise, and there is no difference in the files it scanned.

The one difference I did notice was that when the exception is added, the Avast UI doesn’t show the Scan progress, instead showing the name of the scan you’re running and then showing the final results. When the exception is removed, I can see the scan progress. I’m not sure if that’s because the folder I added is the only ‘large’ folder or file on the desktop (everything else is shortcuts or a folder/file less than 14 MB, while the excepted folder is 484 MB).

So at least from the Explorer Scan (where you just right click and hit “Scan with Avast”), it appears to not make a difference. I don’t know if that’s because when you manually scan a parent folder that has the exception in it, it ignores the exception. IF that’s the case, the Exception settings page is very misleading as it says it will exclude the folder and files from all shields and scans. But given Flourgrader’s experience with their exceptions being scanned in a Full scan, either both of our Avast’s are broken or this is a bug that needs fixing.

Surely this isn’t actually a folder on the desktop, just the shortcut to the folder which may be located on the desktop folder on C:

An actual folder on the desktop, not just a shortcut.

File path is C:\Users[Username]\Desktop\Folder

They recently asked me to reinstall the system. I wanted to upgrade. I have installed the latest version of win-11 and the latest version of avast. I had to abandon this idea due to the fact that avast ignored the exceptions. In addition, the system worked with freezes after installing it. I swore and installed win-10 and avast versions of the 22nd year - everything is fine and works without problems. Up to this point, I had only read about such cases here, but here I clearly saw how disgusting it can be.
While avast has been demonstrating truly extreme paranoia lately, this can be a catastrophic problem. When the exceptions don’t work, Avast turns into a true maniac from whom there is no escape except his murder.

Here is the answer to DavidR question,
the exclusion path is:
D:\MY_LAPTOP_ BACKUP\WINDOWS_23H2\Windows.11_23H2–00-00.mrimg
This is not the only folder Avast is ignoring in the Exception Rule!
You say “The fact that Macrium files are protected (by Macrium) doesn’t mean Avast honours that.”
and I say “what’s the point in having an Exclusion file list if you ignore it?”
I have used “Add Advanced Exceptions” and it makes DIDDLY–SQUAT to solving the problem.
I believe Avast development crew have made a Boo Boo here!
and introduced a Bug here OR have done it on purpose!
We shall see?

Is Avast ignoring all of the exception folders or just some?

I suspect Avast is ignorning all the Exceptions.
Avast did an update a couple of days ago and thats
when all the problems started.
The Exception list has been on this PC for months
without any problems. :-[

Ok, perhaps another bug for them to fix in the next update. I didn’t get an update myself though. Did you get pushed an emergency update or a notification from Avast asking them to restart your computer?

No I have my settings Automated!
So it just did it on it’s own. :-[ :-[ :-[

Reason i’m asking is because there was no update released. I have it set on “remind me when one is available” and looking at it, I don’t have one.

That being said you have UI Version 1.0.788 while I am on 1.0.787. So maybe that explains something. My version and build number are the same as yours.

My numbers
Avast Free 23.11.6090 (build 23.11.8635.809)
UI 1.0.791

So they differ in the UI, but I don’t know if that would be a factor.
That said I have very little in my exclusions and I rarely if ever run on-demand scans.

There was a case/s in the forums of exceptions not being honoured but that related to exceptions set in additional Avast programs not being honoured by the main programs exceptions. There was meant to have been a fix for this, now I don’t know if this would have any impact on the main programs Exceptions.

Hi guys,
So, we are all on the same page here,
I did a manual Update to Avast
just now.
Menu>Settings>Update>CHECK FOR UPDATES
Results are:
Build 23.11.8635.809
UI version 1.0.791

The UI version Number has been updated to 1.0.791
since I started this Post (Thread)

The UI Version number change has made NO difference
to the on going problem.

Since the UI version 1.0.791 update:

  1. I have tried deleting all the Exception

  2. Re Booted my PC

  3. Run Avast

  4. Re-entered the Exception using the “ADD ADVANCED EXCEPTION”

  5. Re Booted PC

  6. Done a Full Virus Scan from Protection>Virus Scans>Full Virus Scan

  7. The problem Persists! >:( :frowning:

    Exception List.

D:\MY_LAPTOP_ BACKUP\WINDOWS_23H2\Windows.11_23H2–00-00.mrimg

Are there any entries in the registry key of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Avast Software\Avast\properties\exclusions\Global ?

The exclusion list which is in my previous post
is at the location your are inquiring about!
Does that help ?

This means that up to this point everything is working. The problem is deep somewhere and it cannot be solved without developers. The only way is to install the old working version and prevent it from updating modules.

Thanks for your comment, Nom,
At the back of my mind that is what I thought was the answer.
Lets hope the “Avast development team” get their finger out
and fix their Error quickly! ?? ::slight_smile: