Exchange 2000/2003 plugin

I just removed Trend ScanMail and installed the Exchange 2000/2003 and SMTP Plugins and got the following error:

Err:Setup couldn’t load library C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\avSMTP2K.dll.Error code: 0x0000007E

What does that mean and how do I fix that?

Also, I noticed that when I selected the Exchange plugin, it automatically selected the SMTP plugin as well. Is that normal?


if you check this thread: and then the posting from VLK

Generally, all error codes under 30,000 (decimal) are system (Windows) error codes.

First, translate them to the decimal form from hexadecimal (use e.g. Windows calculator to do this) and then use the net helpmsg Windows command to find out what the error means.

Example: avast reports error 0000007E. You run calc.exe and convert the hexa number 7E to decimal – the result is 126 decimal. Then you start the command prompt (cmd.exe) and type

net helpmsg 126

which gives you the description of the error (in this case “The specified module could not be found”).

Hope this helps,

as u see he took your error as an example…

the error is The specified module could not be found

my guess is that avast didnt install correctly on the system, try fixing it or reinstalling


Could it be that the server needs to be rebooted after installing ScanMail eventhough it did not ask to do so?

What I meant to say is “Could it be that the server needs to be rebooted after uninstalling ScanMail eventhough it did not ask to do so?”


AV software is in such deep installation with hooks to be possible to scan as much as possible that it needs to be unloaded with a reboot of the server

when you (un)install software like antivirus or firewall software, nomather what it is best practice to reboot the windows computer