This is after uninstalling the client, and running the Avast cleaning utility. Here is the message that appears in the Event Logs:
Microsoft Exchange couldn’t start transport agents. The Microsoft Exchange Transport service will be stopped. Exception details: Failed to create type ‘Avast.ExchangeAntispam.AntispamAgentFactory’ from assembly ‘C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast Business\AsEx.dll’ due to error ‘Invalid agent assembly path.’. : Microsoft.Exchange.Data.ExchangeConfigurationException: Failed to create type ‘Avast.ExchangeAntispam.AntispamAgentFactory’ from assembly ‘C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast Business\AsEx.dll’ due to error ‘Invalid agent assembly path.’. —> System.ArgumentException: Invalid agent assembly path.
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.Internal.MExRuntime.FactoryTable.CreateAgentFactory(AgentInfo agentInfo)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.Internal.MExRuntime.FactoryTable…ctor(IEnumerable agents)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.Internal.MExRuntime.RuntimeSettings…ctor(MExConfiguration config, String agentGroup)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Transport.Internal.MExRuntime.MExRuntime.Initialize(String configFile, String agentGroup, Boolean isBridgeHead, String installPath)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Categorizer.MExEvents.Initialize(String configFilePath)
at Microsoft.Exchange.Transport.Components.CategorizerMExRuntimeLoader.Load()
Wow, between this post, multiple phone calls that have directed me to additional, unhelpful numbers, to an open ticket with “EMERGENCY” status, I have had not ONE SINGLE RESPONSE FROM AVAST.
If this is how you run a company, I will not be buying a subscription.
I worked all weekend trying to get this box running and I had to tie it to a second exchange server to get it to work even for the short term.
At this point I think I’d rather migrate my databases to a temporary server, and completely refresh this one than to pay Avast a dime for this product. >:(
This is insanity. Is there ANY reason why I wouldn’t at least get an acknowledgement that my trouble ticket has actually been received?
Honestly, what the hell is going on here?
If they’re not going to help me, they could at least say “We have received your trouble ticket, but you… blah, blah, something?” Avast hasn’t even confirmed receipt of the ticket OR any of the followups within the ticket.
I had the same exact issue as you. Once I reinstalled avast, the problem stopped. I know it may not be the answer you wanted to hear, but I know that this worked for me.
for future people from google search results, i just had the same problem too
the sequence i had was:
installed avast for exchange
realized i hated its spam filter, so disabled that “shield”
realized i hated the yellow triangle forever over the avast icon warning that “not fully protected” because antispam is turned off
in control panel, clicked CHANGE to remove the antispam portion of avast, rebooted the exchange server
at that time the exchange transport agent for avast antispam was still trying to start, since it didnt, it crashed the mexchange transport service
we chose to reinstall avast, which fixed it, but brought back the antispam “shield” (and associated file which was missing)
remove the agent from exchange command line: disable-transportagent “avast antispam for exchange”
as soon as there are more antivirus providers for exchange 2010, we’ll go there instead… but so far avast and trend micro are the only ones and avast sucks less
BY THE WAY - if your avast subscription runs out, your information store WILL NOT START, errors out with “failed to start virus scan”
i had 29 days left, reinstalled, now zero days left. fixed the agent but now information store wont start.
avast, please at least try to beta test before releasing this stuff… please?