we had an older version of avast server installed and when i unistalled and installed the newer version the email server edition was installed on our exchange server. Now for some reason the exchange information store stopped so i unistalled and it started but it stopped the exchange transport service. i filed a ticket but haven ot heard anything back i currently have it unistalled due to the error message i get which upon resarch is a proplem with the unistall not wipeing the program on the log and i dont wnat to run a cleaner not knowing what avast is tied to that is stopping our email. please help
so never heard back from avast but figured out that I had to go into management shell for exchange and turn off the transport rule that avast adds in to exchange
thanks. same problem. will try your solution, or just remove avast and hope for an update soon.
it seems to be crashing my server, wiping out syslogs, and resetting my License database.