The icon in the tray at the bottom shows an exclamation mark…I’ve turned on everything…How do I get it to go away?
The icon in the tray at the bottom shows an exclamation mark…I’ve turned on everything…How do I get it to go away?
Click on that avast tray icon to open up the avastUI, this will show the summary screen; expand this by clicking the Show Details and that should show you what Shield or Update requires attention. What is that ?
Thanks so much! So updates have to be automatic or it doesn’t like it…
Anyway, I know at least…thanks again!
Hi hayley3,
Avast av is versatile. You can also update manually or check updates manually to see if you have the latest.
Left click on the orange icon and you can get to the engine and program update function easily…
You’re welcome.
The virus definitions should be on auto update (by default), the Program updates are set to Ask (by default). If you change any to manual then the program will notify you of that.
With a resident on-access antivirus you really need to have the virus definitions on auto update to keep your system fully up to date.