Exclamation triangle in notification area

Hi, a yellow triangle with an exclemation mark in it appeared in my notification area, and after I restarted my computer it was gone.
I checked my Device Manager and Event Viewer and couldn’t find its source.
Is it something to be concerned about, is it possible to be virus or malware related?

Thank you in advance!

Hi, a yellow triangle with an exclemation mark in it appeared in my notification area, and after I restarted my computer it was gone.
probably something that needed a reboot for a update to take effect .....

next time, put your mouse pointer on it, or right click it for info … before you reboot :wink:

Did that, nothing happened.

MIght help if you used a more up-to-date OS!

You’re right, as soon as Microsoft gives me the free offer on Windows 10, I’ll grab it ;).

Is such a thing possible to be virus/malware related?