The “exclude” option is not just for directories - it is also meant to exclude save prozesses from being scanned all the time…
So does it make sense to exclude e.g. DVD software or game executables to speed up them while loading?!
And if so, how do I ensure that their directory stays watched ( map auto download ) but not the programm itself?
Simply add the exe and thats it?! Should it be that easy?!
Thx for reply as always and thanks for Avast…
Wasn´t meant to exclude filetypes!
But there is no sense in scanning ALL files all the time - once a computergame is installed it won´t be a thread in future so it should be excluded… but it costs - not much - performance to scan it everytime its loading…
Same with playing DVD´s - they, and the softwareplayer too, could be excluded…
You have to exercise extreme care here otherwise you could exclude *.exe globally and you would be extremely vulnerable.
See image for an example of my exclusions, I have used a wild card *.pqi (2GB disk images) but I have used it within a folder. So the same is more important with something like *.exe you have to do more to limit the wild card, e.g. use it within a folder.
This will not however, speed up your system as exclusions aren’t considered by the resident scanner. So if you open (loading/runing the program, etc.) the exe that is excluded from the on-demand scan, it will still be scanned by the resident scanner, as is also the case for scanning created/modified exe files. The time saving on this is minimal anyway.
You could have avast ignore a specific program, so that avast doesn’t scan it actions, rather than scan its exe file. This may speed up processing.
They are not graphic images as I said “disk images (back-ups)” 2GB in size, the pqi files would be scanned (as text files for unknown file type) and 2GB would take some considerable time.