Excluding from e-mail protection

“Avast noticed problem with web page certify.
Do you want exclude?”

Very strange message - every time another www url is apearing.

Any help appreciated.

Hi mateusz. Welcome to Avast! Forums.

See if this help: http://www.avast.com/faq.php?article=AVKB91#artTitle

I don’t use any client. I use email only thru www. Thats why I am suprised tha6t avast asks me for exclusion :confused:
I can post printscreen.

Which Avast! and version ?
OS, Spk, bit ?

Yes please, do that. May be someone else has experienced the same alert.

I do not use any client either and I have accounts on all three mayor web mails. Never have had an alert from Avast!. What www mail do you use ? Does the alert pop-up in the login page or after login ?


8.0.1489, xp sp3, 32bit