Exclusions Function. Can't get Avast to ignore TSAd.dll

I have a card game that won’t open without TSAd.dll resident in the windows\sytem32

I have tried using the Exclusion Function and using "Browse " to navigate to the
offending .dll.

I’ve had TSAd.dll on my HDD for years and never had Avast trigger until this week. :slight_smile:

Anyone able to advise how to exclude same or explain why the Exclusion Function doesn’t work? ::slight_smile:

Remember that avast! has two exclusions lists, as explained in help files and here in forums:
Left click a blue icon > Standard Shield provider settings > Customize > Advanced > Add it to the exclusion list.
Right click a blue icon > Program settings > Exclusions (tab)

I forget, can you send an email with the file (false positive or infected) to: virus@avast.com
You can zip and password the files… Inform a link to this thread and the password used.
You can send the files to Chest and, from there, resend to Alwil for analysis.

I have to manually declare that avast has to ignore tsad.dll that is required for the run of ReGet, a download manager - but only under Windows XP (on P4D), neither on Windows 2000 on PIII nor on Windows 2000 on C2D, the tsad.dll has to be declared explicitely to be ignored.

I consider the concept of warning inappropriate: as tsad.dll is the TimeSink Ad Downloader, not tsad.dll itself should be blocked and considered as virus (or threat), but the ads themselves that tsad.dll is downloading! Or the user should have the choice to block tsad.dll as a prevention or not at first use of it - in the same style that a firewall is learning.

Another way would be to block the ads by the firewall, as a special port is used for them. Nevertheless, the ads should be checked - and not only the dll itself to be banned!