Experts - Best Troublefree Avast version for Windows 10 Compatible w/ MBAM?

Hello Avast experts! I am asking for your help and advice. :slight_smile:

Windows 10 has downloaded onto my PC and is waiting for me to accept or decline the License agmt so it can install.

I am running Malwarebytes premium
I am running very stable Avast version
– they get along FINE together.

I want to minimize or eliminate any issues with avast and Win 10 install - I’ve noticed that there are some, having to do with the Firewall not starting (significant!)
and something about NG not working in Win 10 (insignificant, I have NO idea what NG even is!)

I need Avast to run alongside Malwarebytes Premium, latest version. They run together perfectly now, and complement one another

I want to know if avast .2218 operates well with Win 10 and is stable during and after installation?

I am very hesitant to update to the newest avast as it has only been out 6 days and avast is ALWAYS full of issues after new releases. I also read something about newest avast not being compatible with the most recent Malwarebytes. Someone referenced some thread on the forum existing, with no link or info. Search won’t pull it up.

I can’t afford to have an inoperable computer for any time, this is my primary PC and I do all my work on here so I am being proactive before starting the Win 10 install.

thank you so much for your advice.

If you want compatibility with Win 10 you should use the latest version of Avast, issues between Avast and Malwarebytes can be solved by excluding each others program folders from one another.

What ever advice is given ‘remember’ every OS configuration is different so one persons experience can’t be guaranteed to work on another OS. :slight_smile:

Thank you for your suggestion.

Can you give me instructions on how to do this file excluding? I can do things, but I need instructions to follow. :slight_smile:

MBAM usually does not have issues with Avast, its the other way around. So I would start with excluding the MBAM files from Avast. Can you tell me the steps?

Craig I thought all Avast versions after .2214 were ‘advertised’ as compatible with Win 10. So that would include .2218 and .2223

I am nervous about installing a just released Avast version. I never do. I wait for the fixes to be completed.

Is the Win 10 install trouble free (no issues with Firewall start up being blocked?) with the latest Avast?

It is the latest version of Avast 2225 that has a firewall not starting in Win10 fix included

Open MBAM and go to settings then malware exclusions, click to add folder and navigate to the Avast Program folder - click once and accept it, then do likewise in Avast settings to add the MBAM folder.

Thank you so much Craig! I easily added the exclusion on MBAM but do not have any idea where to add an exclusion in Avast! (MBAM is a lot easier to work with than Avast)

Can you guide me?

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Once I’ve got the exclusions set, I will take the plunge and update Avast to .2225.

Same way GUI>Settings>General>scroll down to “exclusions”>click “file paths”>click “browse”>find and select the MBAM folder and click “add”.

Thank you so much Para-Noid! I am all ‘excluded’ and hopefully good to go. :slight_smile:
I will upgrade to the latest Avast so I can upgrade to Win 10.

I want to thank all who replied and guided me. :smiley: I did everything as suggested and additional research and tweaking before ok-ing Win 10. It was not until the following morning I had everything ready.

The really great news is that Win 10 installed seamlessly … I had one 3 second flash of “no firewall” warning in Avast and it corrected itself without a reboot in seconds. Avast and MBAM are like best friends (LOL) and absolutely NO issues with Win 10 operating with both of them, or they with Win 10.


It REALLY REALLY pays to do the checking, updating, tweaking before installing Win 10. Taking the time to make sure that Avast! version is updated and stable, and is not conflicting with anything else (like the MBAM) well before ok-ing the Win10 install prevents lots of pain after the fact.

Proactive beats Reactive EVERY TIME!

Win10 is pretty cool… still learning something new every day.

Thank you again to all who took the time to reply to my little thread!


You’re welcome, glad it’s all running smoothly :slight_smile:

@ allenergy11
Totally agree with your approach. You did what many users have done and this forum is a good place to gain information and read about experiences that users are/were having with many situations.
With the upgrading of W10 there has been a topic dedicated to information about W10 and that I’m sure has benefited many here who have or will eventually update to W10.
Good on you. :slight_smile: