Expired license??

Hi, Need some help on Avast… Been using it fine so far and no problems then suddenly, out of the blue, i get and error that Avast can’t update… So i click on more information and it says my license has expired… But when i checked the settings, my license is set to expire in Feb 2008… I tried to reenter my license key but no dice…Also, the program says that my license is set to expire in 1970…Hopefully this is just a bug…I’ve attached a screenshot from my desktop so hopefully that helps…

Can you please post the first part of your license key here? (the part before the dash)

Sure…It’s W42808380H3700A1106

Is your license key displayed correctly in About avast dialog?
Try to put your full key into avast again and check update.
If it still fails, please send me file setup.log from avast4\setup folder.

Yeah, it all looks fine to me… Kinda ironic as the about screen says my expiration is set to never… Attached is a screen shot as well…

I’m also trying to attach the setup log file but it’s 500kb and the forum won’t let me attach it… I compressed to rar but again, the forum doesn’t allow it…Any ideas how i can attach the setup log file?

Ok lemme try this…

The attachment is in reality a rar file so pls change the extension first…

Let’s hope this works…

It seems that some of the files were corrupted.
Please send file ashBase.dll to my email (click on email icon at my post)

You can try entering your key into avast again, or completely reinstall (uninstall - restart - install the latest version).

Never is for the ‘use’ of the program.
The updates are timeout.

Open it in the Notepad and post the last 100 lines, for instance.

Allowed file types: txt, jpg, gif, png, log
Maximum attachment size allowed: 200 KB, per post: 4

Well everything was working fine… And suddenly bam!..I haven’t installed any new programs so i don’t think it was a conflict but i do recall that Avast required a restart yesterday after some updates… I believe that was the only major change that had affected Avast directly…

BTW, i’ve sent you the mail attached with the dll…

Lol! It didn’t occur to me to copy and paste the log entries directly into the forum until after i read your post…

I’ll keep that in mine next time…Thanks for the tip!

When you post and image if you can crop it to show just the relevant part, saves some scrolling. If you press the Alt + Print Screen keys together it copies the active window (in this case about avast), no need to crop then.

Ok…I’ll crop my images in future… Thanks for the advice…

So, any ideas what’s wrong with my Avast?

Did you try entering the key into avast again?
If it didn’t help, try reinstalling avast - uninstall - restart - install the latest version

You have two of the Alwil Software team (avast developers) on the case, as an avast user, I bow to their experience.

Yes, i did try to reenter the key…Three times…No dice…The about page shows it’s all nice and dandy but when it comes to updating, the error pops out…

Oh yeah… Reinstalling…Forgot about that…I’ll do that asap… But should i use my old key or register for a new one?

Ehh? I thought you’re a developer as well…Everyone looks like a developer with that evangelist tag…

Your key is still valid, so you don’t have to register again.
After reinstallation put your key into avast including the second part after the dash.

WOW!!.. It works… Ok…Reinstalled as you suggested and used my old keys… No more problems with updating… Thanks!! You guys have been a real help…

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Forejt, can you explain to us what happened?
If we understand, maybe we could give better help in the future :wink:

You will see ‘ALWIL Team’ on the user details on the left of the post, these are the developers. The remainder Evangelists (basically having reached a number of posts on the forums) are avast users trying to help other avast users.