Explorer.exe infected, not infected, infected, not infected

Here is a Complex one :-\

Not anymore!

OK I DO NOT recommend you Remove explorer and Replace it with the one on the CD Because it can cause SYSTEM ERRORS.

What I think you should do is Find out if its a FAKE explorer.

Usually in Task Manager, Go to Processes and END An explorer with the Lowest CPU Memory Usage (usually there is 2 one the real 1 the other is a Fake)

And IF you BY Mistake screw you’re self up, Open Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Delete) And Press New Task.

Type Explorer and well That should fix about it! :smiley:

Hope this helps!


It can’t be a fake explorer.exe with the same MD5, that is the whole point of the MD5 and other Hash numbering methods, to confirm a file hasn’t been changed from the original.

I suggest you read my Reply #17 and the previous posts as there really is nothing wrong with this file.