Has anyone been experiencing trouble with Explorer and Outlook Express today? Actually I noticed that it started yesterday evening, I downloaded the update that went out last week and now things are functioning right! Outlook won’t launch correctly and Explorer freezes up whenever you type anything in a field! Maybe it’s me, but I sure as hell hope not, I already re-installed Explorer hoping that would solve the problem but no such luck! Now a new update from Microsoft just appeared and I downloaded it, but haven’t tried Explorer or Outlook yet. Get back to me if anyone is in the same boat!!

Explorer of Internet Explorer ?
Outlook- Express or Outlook ?

I guess you mean Internet-Explorer and Outlook-Express. Have you tried to repair the windows internet workset ?

Go to add-remove programs and choose internet-workset.
Choose repair, reboot and see if it solves your problem.


Internet Explorer/Outlook Express, I have Windows 2000 Professional not XP, cannot access Explorer to remove, repair or re-install. Went to Explorer website and just downloaded it over itself, but problem still persists. Have you downloaded the latest Microsoft update?

Yes I have, but on XP-pro. No problems here ???