Export settings?

Mrs. and I noticed that Avast behaves differently on our respective machines, which have different processors (I5 vs Pentium) but are otherwise identical.

What happened was, when she clicked on “Visit Page” from within Google Images, it triggered a “Malware Alert” and is repeatable. Whereas when I navigate to and click on the same icon, nothing unusual happens.

So-o-o the question is, can I export the settings to an ASCII or .txt file so I can compare the two? One of us has something configure differently and I’d like very much to understand what it is.

Another question: Why do I have to type the illegible characters if I’m not uploading an attachment???

Another question: Why do I have to type the illegible characters if I'm not uploading an attachment???
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What happened was, when she clicked on "Visit Page" from within Google Images, it triggered a "Malware Alert" and is repeatable.
What does the message say ...... you may attach a screenshot

Understood. Thank-you.

I’m at work now so I don’t have access to the message, but it did provide a URL (which doesn’t work):
