Extended extension set for Avast!

What You (other users) use to extend Avast! standard extension set:

I myself use these to extend basic set ;):


maybe we can ask Alwil to add in future Avast! version new option “advanced extension set” under “standard extension” set :slight_smile:

  1. ;D

Do you happen to have some descriptions of them? I know only about 10 of them from memory, and am lazy to look up the other ones ;D
I think that if they’re relevant (“executable”), they may simply be included in the standard set. (What do you think, Vlk?)

usually these extensions cover more than 1 type of files :frowning: so i try just comment most used

AX - DXshow filter libraries

ACM - driver for Audio Compression Manager

BPL - library for Delphi, used by Borland compiler etc.

CNV - DB2 conversion libraries

DRV - Device drivers and so on

FON - type of font file, allows possible code execution …

QTX, Q3X, QTS - quicktime main libraries

PYD - Dynamic Python extension module in dll format

RLL - Microsoft SQLserver resource library

RPV - Real Player libraries for visual plugins

TLB - Borland library, OLE library etc.

WPC - Microsoft Word/WordPerfect file converter and/or mapping library

X32 - program extensions of macromedia software

XLL - Microsoft Excel Addin library

XRS - another RealPlayer plugin now for external resources

etc :slight_smile:

i’m really lazy to find all the description but all of them got possibility to get infected&executed …

After quick flyover i recognized only AX,ACM and MOD. First two are codec libraries and MOD is a Unreal Engine Modification Package (Installer for game modifications).

wrong in our case we speak about Windows NT Non-Win16 application shell, Implementing DOS Support for Windows DLL’s located in:

btw. mod was/is also audio file (amiga tracker format etc)

these Unreal Modification Package installer files you speak about are so called Umods

Unreal Tournament
Unreal Tournament 2003
Unreal Tournament 2004

Yeah you’re right. I’ll have to stop doing other things when i’m typing posts. I’m not focused lol…

i updated some extension descriptions so i hope it’s enough to get idea ;D 8)

… added more, anyone else want comment ?