F-Secure 2006 Security Wrapup


Interesting read about the domain name resale for domains looking like official bank domain names, a very likely phishing issue.

The security wrapup mentions the use of Trojans very specifically targeted at a handful of people within a company using exploits in MS Word. With a new word exploit out, it might be worth mentioning the advice from the F-Secure News from the Labs page today:

Do not open or save Word files that you receive from un-trusted sources or that you receive unexpectedly from trusted sources.

Do not open or save Word files that you receive from un-trusted sources or that you receive unexpectedly from trusted sources.
That same advice should be applied to any e-mail and especially to any type of attachment within an e-mail. IMHO :)

No harm in being extra vigilant, especially while a exploit is active.

Snort/Sourcefire have a new tool for detecting exploits in word documents:


A list of zero-day exploits, active and patched, here:
