Facebook issues :)

just found this article (French press), so here is a Google translation:

and some of it:

Instead, the profiles of the dead remain well in line ... almost as if they were alive. The "friends" of the deceased receive notifications, which can easily rekindle the pain. Facebook suggest they reconnect with the deceased, to recommend new friends or celebrate their birthdays ... Difficult in these circumstances to turn the page.

These automatic processes: when a Facebook profile is not very active or inactive, the site attempts to revive him by suggesting to his friends to interact with him. No automatic procedure does now detect deaths, despite the many messages “rest in peace” or “we never forget you” that adorn most of the profiles of deceased persons. Facebook is therefore reflecting a warning system, based on the appearance of such messages on “walls” of users.

…reminds me of Google ads on Youtube videos suggesting hotels and car rentals in Bagdad while you’re watching a report on a terror attack. Seems like some online software would need a serious redesign ;D

What, you wouldn’t want to go sightseeing in places like Baghdad when things aren’t quiet and dull there?? :o ;D

Well, Iraq is really safe now except some places in Baghdad and Mosul

The attacks in Baghdad happen to undermine the government mostly carried out by the Iranian government mercenaries and Mosul to undermine the awakening movement or the Sahwa groups who kicked out Al Qaeda from Iraq.

Yes, no one wants to be alive in the cyber world and dead in the natural world

In china, we can’t visit Facebook.so i konw very little about this website.

the good side of censorship ??? ;D

+ 1 :wink: