There must have been some js:redirector on the webpage as such.
So that means if i disable javascript in browser i cannot be redirected and i am safe completely?
You can use noscript extension in chrome/firefox but they may block some needed js scripts on known sites
Just be careful of what you click on and then of course avast works very hard to keep users safe from new threats and same do we on the avast forums trying to help the users and avast getting stronger
But noscript is only for Firefox. So is here something for Chrome? I can disable javacript in options but this is for all sites and still going to options is not comfortable. Anyway i am still bit confused, disabling JS make me completely secure or not? And is here any way how play videos on dangerous sites without JS? For me never worked without JS. Thank you.
In my opinion use firefox and chrome with a noscript extension(for chrome you can check their store for a alternative) and adblock.
If you are not sure which site to allow the scripts just donβt use the extension and be careful of these pages claiming you to update.
Avast is still on the lookout for such threats so no worries but a word of awareness while surfing online and opening email attachments is always good.
In cybersecurity,the user is always the weakest link.