Fake virus detect my project


I don’t know what to do with this i am using avast! for years and i have send to the lab a lot of times before (about 100 viruses versions before) to remove this unknown virus from my project users that are using my project and avast! having VERY BIG issues on and they thing that i am an bad developer can you please remove this from your viruses database because i must attach somewhere to disable the avast! antivirus before using my project its not logical omg!

Please reply me when you have check or you need any more information about it, i must release my update soon so please hurry on it.

URL: http://westor.ucoz.com/rafaella/7_0/RafaeLLa_IRC_Bot_Services_v7.0_by_westor.rar

  • Thanks!

since the rar contained so many files i just scanned the rar as it was


Yes the mirc_se.dll IS NOT an virus dll why avast detected as virus … ?

it is not only avast … click the link(s) above

I dont care about the other anti-virus shits i am talking now on avast forums i told before i am years using the avast! for this reason.

are you using a file packer called Packman?

I am not, this .dll just restrict an alt+r usage from the main .exe program and nothing more.

Also scanned this extracted: https://www.metascan-online.com/en/scanresult/file/56a8c387d51e4cb091a906659f716346
11 detections and not only avast flags!
What avast flags is known as Riskware - a backdoor generic find.
Generic backdoor scanned, but could be a misrepresentation of the Packer scan…
Read here: https://translate.google.nl/translate?sl=nl&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=nl&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.virusalert.nl%2F%3Fshow%3Dvirus%26id%3D1112%26name%3DBackdoor.Graybird.O&edit-text=&act=url

I for one see this as a packer misdetection and therefore bet strongly on a FP, but wait for the verdict from avast detection staff

polonus (volunteer website security analyst and website error-hunter)

report to avast lab here www.support.avast.com

I try it to post it there but i failed i don’t know why. thats why i came here

you can send file from avast chest to the lab http://www.avast.com/en-eu/faq.php?article=AVKB21#artTitle

you can send it in mail … zip and password protect. Password: infected and send to virus@avast.com

Ok i will do the second one thanks.