Fake Website

Dear Avast Team,

Please update your database to protecting user from fake website such as:

Virustotal result: https://www.virustotal.com/#/url/1e60930ce62282a17fecc980cbab5091a2fa8276dc659d44d2b602d04eef0400/detection

Official announcement from airflight: https://www.garuda-indonesia.com/id/id/news-and-events/penjelasan-garuda-indonesia-terkait-voucher-potongan-harga-tiket.page


Your virustotal scan result is 1 year old Last analysis 2017-05-16 16:38:09 UTC

always rescan for a fresh result … have done it for you

Rescan is found behind the blue button at top right :wink:

Hi Pondus,

Thanks for your response.

Anyway, the website which I have shared was confirmed fake and you may check official announcement from Garuda Indonesia and at same time ISP blocking the website as well.


You can report a suspicious/malicious sample (File/Website) here: https://www.avast.com/report-malicious-file.php

Hi Yanto.Chang,

Here we see that sedo-parked site still kicking up malcode:


Given 8 out of 10 benign here: https://zulu.zscaler.com/submission/a9cb7b0b-8ff4-4ea2-b13f-cec4fa0796d9

But that IP it is on, is certainly suspicious if not malicious: https://www.scumware.org/report/
We have a launching site for HTLM/Refresh.BCtrojan

polonus (volunteer website security analyst and website error-hunter)

the domain was added to our blacklist. Thank You for pointing out.