Microsoft promises to wow people who are upgrading from Windows XP to its new operating system, but with the joys of Windows Vista comes plenty of pain.
EDIT: put the link in, stoopid!
Microsoft promises to wow people who are upgrading from Windows XP to its new operating system, but with the joys of Windows Vista comes plenty of pain.
EDIT: put the link in, stoopid!
There seem to be plenty of masochists about these days happy to try something new before other software and drivers fully support the new OS.
My problem is I can’t see a good reason to upgrade, XP Pro does it for me, Vista looks pretty but that simply isn’t enough and it won’t look pretty if you don’t have the cpu/video card to drive it. I also think the UK price is an rip of, paying 1-1 dollar to pound when the rate of exchange is 1.9 to 1. I wonder what Bill Gate$ has up his WGA/DRM sleeves to stop us buying a US copy at US prices and pay shipping ;D
Thanks but no thanks.
Yup, as I said in another thread, until MS releases the first service pack, in my opinion, early adopters are just unpaid beta testers.
It’s not that bad, actually. I quite like Vista, even though it took me some time to “customize” it to make myself comforable working with it.
And yes, turning off UAC was the first thing I had to do… :-[
In any case, don’t even think about Vista unless you have at least 2GB of RAM.
I don’t know if you get the Apple vs. PC television ads where you are, but the latest pokes fun at Microsoft’s user account controls. Very funny!
See it here if you’d like:
Oh, I forgot to mention… I’ve had the opportunity to play with Vista. Pretty cool. If it was a new operating system, without all the backward compatibility issues, that is in part why it needs all that new hardware and RAM, I’d certainly be interested in it.
i don’t like Vista at all! Win 2000 is the best and most stable OS. IMHO
don’t care much either for vista-even though it came pre-installed on my quad desktop-still having some minor issues with it…would rather have the xp home i have on my hp laptop on it : 8)
and some more great news for the avast!masses ;D
Windows Vista product activation cracked
Well that didn’t take long. Just over a month after the wide release of Windows Vista, a hacker over at KezNews has figured out a way to generate valid product activation keys.
This is a brute force hack, meaning it basically keeps throwing random keys at Vista until one seems to work. This can take hours. And then you have to manually check the key.
The KezNews main page includes a disclaimer suggesting that the program was an experiment, and that users should go out and buy a copy of Vista if they really want one. That said, it’s just a matter of time before product keys start floating around the dark corners of the internet.
Unless you’re willing to spend hours, days, month or possible forever
using this tool, don’t bother.
If and when it finally comes up with an activation code, there aren’t any guarantees that this code will work.
If it doesn’t, start all over again and again and again… ;D
The medical bills that result in the frustration of using such a tool far outweigh the actual cost of a Genuine Copy.
Just my 2 cents worth.
Well, yes, that “keygen” turned out to be unusable - but it seems there are much more interesting “workarounds” for Vista activation
Nobody pointed out I hadn’t put the link in for the story. ???
It’s done now.