[False Alarm] http://www.net2ftp.com


I’ll want to tell you that there is a false alarm of Avast! when you visit hXXp://www.net2ftp.com and connect on a FTP server.
I notice you this website isn’t a bad website (I think because I haven’t any problem since I use it).

Thanks for your answer in advance.

P.S : I noticed my Avast! version is correctly updated.

Hi skity, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

please could you deactivate the link (change http to hXXp) to prevent others potentially becoming infected. Thanks.

This is slightly hard for me to test, as I get the alert, like you say, but on a different page:

Since this page is only achievable by entering an ftp address, I cannot get the code for the page.

Also the network shield block would suggest that malware has been distributed from this location before, however I will try to get one of the avast! team to look into the detection and comment.



Thanks for your answer.
I apologize. The URL where is the alert is of course, hXXp://www.net2ftp.com/index.php when you try to connect on a FTP server.
But, as i’ve said, I used to use this tool. Since I use it, I haven’t any problem.
I can make a mistake. In case, can you explain me why it’s a bad website.

Thanks in advance :wink:

P.S : I managed to see the source code of index.php when i’m connected on a FTP server. I can paste it here if you want.

You’re welcome :slight_smile:

The thing is nowadays, sites do get hacked, and what would seem a perfectly reputable site one day, could be a malware minefield tomorrow…Usually avast! is very good on this, but there is always the chance of a mistake, they are human after all :stuck_out_tongue:

So hopefully someone from avast! could shed a little light on this topic :slight_smile:


Yes ^^ You’re right :slight_smile: Where are all human :slight_smile:
I hope they look this topic :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been trying to use net2ftp.com but avast won’t let me to.

Please, avast people, this site isn’t malware! Unblock it!

Well if you go in using hxxp://www.net2ftp.com/ and not the one with index.php (which is weird as that is the default page) I don’t get an alert. But I do get the network shield block it if you use hXXp://www.net2ftp.com/index.php.

So this is a bit of a strange one.

Yes, and you get redirected to index.php when you connect to a ftp address…

The avast! team need to take a look at this…

I have sent an email to see if it can be investigated.

thanks for email notice. False positive will be fixed.


Thanks you :wink:

Thanks for the prompt action and responding in the forums Milos