False "attention" (shield off) warning due to behavior shield set to "always ask


Besides silently adding “improvement” modules and features without user consent, now Avast seems to badger users into granting those modules full access and free run.
For instance, mere setting the “behavior shield” to “Always ask” on my PC caused Avast icon to warn with an exclamation mark, claiming in the main interface window that I’m somehow “vulnerable” and even creating a false impression of the module being off (by means of a red slider indicator).
I am not going to change my settings and shall rather get used to the exclamation mark and warnings. However, this manipulative false alarm may cause me to miss another - real - problem with Avast in the future. In that scenario I would rightly blame the developers.

On a more general note, Avast can force all sorts of unwelcome changes, push for Chrome etc. Yet experienced users like myself may stick to, say, Firefox and rather eventually drop Avast if it becomes too much of a hassle. Thanks for the glorious past, yet the way it goes, bot in PC and on Android, I am less and less fond of the idea to purchase a license for such a patronizing and increasingly behemoth-like software package.

On my XP Pro SP3 system with the current avast beta 17.4.2292 (and previously 17.3.2291), I have always had all shields including the Behaviour Shield set to Ask as a first option. At no time have any of those resulted in being alerted to a shield being off, why this is happening on your system is unclear.

I also don’t see the behaviour shield Slider on the components screen indicating off, so I believe there is something else involved than simply setting it to Ask.

Have you tried an avast repair ?

Thanks for the suggestion; actually, the issue has resolved itself without Avast repair.
My system is a regularly updated and very stable Win 7 (x64) where no programs have been added or removed recently.
Avast 17.3.2291 had already been up-to-date before today’s problems and is still the latest release in my channel.

Basically, upon a restart of the computer the exclamation mark and the warning are gone. Behavior shield is still set to “Always ask”, however its slider is green now, and that spontaneous change made all the difference. Until the restart I could not set the slider to “on”(green) manually, and now it is on despite the actual settings of the shield remaining exactly the same.

P.S.Just to assist troubleshooting: neither Windows nor Avast updates had been installed during the session in question. I have not modified any Avast settings in the last few days. Nevertheless, a restart has fixed it - hopefully, for good.

You’re welcome, glad that it appears to be resolved.