Today I downloaded some software I thought might be suspicious.
After I downloaded it I double checked by scanning the downloaded file using Avast Free.
I was told the software was safe, no threats found.
I ran the software and now I have mallware on my PC!!! It did not allow for cancellation of the instal procedure and installed stuff before I could force it closed with task manager.
I have removed the main mallware it installed but now have to manually fix my regedit.exe as that has been hijacked so that it fails to run with an error message that says “The service cannot accept control messages at this time.”
All this trouble because Avast falsely told me the software was clean!!!
How can I submit a file as possible mallware when Avast thinks it has no threats?
Have you tested it at VT ? … if not give the download link and somone here will do it
[b]About CutThePrice: [/b]
CutThePrice is categorized as potentially unwanted program, namely adware program because it may come to your computer and install under your inadvertently consent. It comes bundled with free software, video player and download manager program, for instance. Below is a screenshot of the Get Ultra Premium Merchants bundled software, see for your reference:
I do not like to use web site based scans. The ONLY way any web site gains access to my files on my PC is by me telling it what file to upload to the site! Call me over cautious if you want
I think that categorization for CutThePrice is incorrect! How can it not be mallware? It was installed secretly without my consent or knowledge of it being a part of the installation. The installer also has no means to abort the installation after it has been initially run.
Anyway, I have fixed everything that the installer broke and have had the answer I wanted in the form of where to submit the file to Avast. Thanks for all the help guys
I think that categorization for CutThePrice is incorrect! How can it not be [b]mallware[/b]? It was installed secretly without my consent or knowledge of it being a part of the installation.
Probably because it does not do anything malicious ..... only unwanted ad popups
It may already be detected by avast as a PUP, something we could check if you gave us the download link … or tested the file at VT or Metascan
Avast PUP detection is default off, except for in boot scan