False Positive affecting tens of thousands

I work for a prominent software company and we released an update yesterday to one of our products. After the update is installed, every one of our customers with avast! AV/Firewall get’s stuck in a loop with our update. This is a huge problem and I need help from someone at avast! to get the file that’s being falsely identified as a threat whitelisted. I’ve spent hours trying to get connected to someone with any knowledge about how to help me at avast! and i’ve been literally told that i can’t speak with anyone else by the support technicians i’ve spoken to. This is a huge deal that’s affecting tens of thousands of our customers and i’m getting less than the cold shoulder from avast!. Someone, please, help me get a file whitelisted now. I can’t believe there isn’t any system in place for professional companies to communicate with your company to get help when you’ve made a mistake. I need to speak with someone now.

Can you send the file to virus@avast.com Subject:false positive in an password protected archive if its not to big?

Also can you upload the file to Virustotal.com (Max. Size 64 MB) and post the link to the results here?

next time, please post virus or false positive problems in the Viruses and worms forum section

You can report it using one of these options…you may add a link to this topic in case they reply here

You can upload files and report issues to avast here : http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php (select subject according to Your case)

You can use mail
send to virus@avast.com in a password protected zip file
mail subject: False Positive / undetected sample (select subject according to your case)
zip password: infected

or you can send files from avast chest
how to use the chest. http://www.avast.com/faq.php?article=AVKB21

Absolutely, i’m sending the file in a password protected zip file to virus@avast.com right now, passowrd is “infected”. Here is the link to the results from virustotal.com.


I apologize for using the forums to get this corrected, but i have submitted several support tickets through the system since yesterday and haven’t gotten any response.

Sending the file in password protected archive momentarily.

According to that Avast does not detect it, so it must be a deepscreen detection. They can add the file to exceptions

It could also be FileRep or Evo-Gen on execution.

I don’t understand what that means. This is one of my company’s software program’s system files and our customers are encountering severe, showstopping issues because of avast!. Since it’s not a threat in any way, i need someone to help me get it whitelisted or whatever needs to be done to stop this problem for all of our customers who use avast!.

you may attach a screenshot of the avast popup warning here so we can see

Sure thing, here’s the dialogue that states that avast! Web Shield blocked a “harmful webpage or file”. Sorry it’s not great in terms of quality, one of our techs collected it while remoted in to a customer’s machine that was experiencing the issue. I’ve also asked if they gathered the details or other information that’s behind the ‘More details…’ button but haven’t gotten a response yet. If they are able to provide anything else i’ll post it as soon as i have it.



TmProxy.exe is connecting to a webpage and that is blocked for some reasom.

I he can click the more Details button you will get the full path and the full address of the webpage i think.

false positive was fixed yesterday at 15:06. Sorry for any inconvenience.


Thanks very much.