False positive for WIN32: trojan-gen

Since the latest database update, AVAST is detecting this virus in all variants of Sound Cue System Version 9 executables. There is no virus in these file. :frowning:


To be completely sure that a file is a false positive, please submit it to JOTTI or VirusTotal and let us know the result. If it is indeed a false positive, send it in a password protected zip to virus@avast.com
Please, mention in the body of the message why you think it is a false positive and the password used.
Thanks :wink:

Done- - only AVAST detected anything. File sent in as requested

As a workaround, please, add the file to the Standard Shield exclusion list untill you can receive new virus database (vps) updates.
Left click the ‘a’ blue icon, click on the provider icon at left and then Customize.
Go to Advanced tab and click on Add button…

You can use wildcards like * and ?.
But be carefull, you should ‘exclude’ that many files that let your system in danger.

After the update of today avast corrected the false positive. I also sent (day 04) for virus@avast.com and made the test with file “setupscs9demo.zip” Reply in three days…

I continue testing the efficiency of avast…