False Positive? I need to know if it is.

Hey avast community, I am using avast as probably a lot of people in here, I also use malwarebytes but only to scan some files. Malwarebytes says Slayer Leecher v0.6 is clean but avast isn’t,
Avast says Win32:Dropper Gen severity 1/3.
Please let me know if it’s a virus of just a false positive.

Anyone can help please?

Send it to avast lab and ask >> https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=14433.msg1289438#msg1289438

seems infected

I sendt file SHA-256 to F-Secure lab and they confirm this is a false positive


Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Our analysis indicates that the file you submitted is clean.

We have identified the issue as a False Positive, which will be resolved in an upcoming database update.

So all detections seen on VirusTotal with detection name Trojan.GenericKD.31036210 should bee gone in a few hours. That is all AV vendors using Bitdefender engine

Have notified avast about this topic

it should be fixed now.
