False Positive in Avast! Free Antivirus 7 for Estonian ID-card software

Seems that Avast! Free Antivirus 7 gives a false positive and blocks web traffic during these conditions:

Software: Estonian ID-card Software from installer.id.ee website (Goverment distributed software for national ID-card), latest version

The utility (ID-card utility) in that software package is for diagnostics and PIN/certificates renewal.

When an user with Avast antivirus tries to renew their ID-card certificates, the web traffic will be blocked by Avast and the activity fails. This error surfaced somewhere during last cpl months and there has been no software updates from the government side.

Since this is a case potentially affecting over 600000 active ID-card users, then it should be resolved somehow.

Ares Hubel
Certification Centre Ltd

Is any warning shown by avast?

No visible warning, for log entries though we’d need to test it again as we don’t have avast running on our test machine any more.

Does Avast even log something that gives no warning to user?

Any news on this issue? has been a while.