Thank you for your email to Avira’s virus lab.
Tracking number: INC00947588.
We received the following archive files:
File ID Filename Size (Byte) Result
26496057 146.37 KB OK
A listing of files contained inside archives alongside their results can be found below:
File ID Filename Size (Byte) Result
26496058 S1001_nr2_121211.pdf 156.62 KB CLEAN
Please find a detailed report concerning each individual sample below:
Filename Result S1001_nr2_121211.pdf CLEAN
Maybe you already were infected by this malware, but did not have the Adobe file installed for it yet to wake up the malcode for it to become active. It is a detection for exploit code, in order for the exploit to work it has to be able to exploit a vulnerability in your PDF reader. First trick is that it tries to have you open it, and apparently you did.
Maybe you have to wait for essexboy here to have a look. It could well that some adware brought this malware along. Well wait for him to have a look. With 6 on VT alerting this it sure is no FP,
Hi Pondus,you sent me a personal message but I’m not allowed to reply to you,
I got : An Error Has Occurred! You are not allowed to send personal messages.
So I answered mailing again to virus@… (link topic in subject)