false positive on military site

Dear Avast, please white list this site


The site is detected as infected with URL:BotNet

This belom to Kodam Jaya (Jakarta Raya Main Command) which branch a of TNI AD (The National Army of Republic Indonesia) which handle the security of The City of Jakarta, before the Indonesia government files a formal complaint to you, thank you

Please break active links to suspect sites to avoid accidental exposure, as I have in the quoted text above.
Bearing in mind your other topic where you reported a possible false positive, have you reported it.

Just because it is a Military site doesn’t make it immune from attack.
Making threats to seek assistance isn’t going to change things, just seek assistance.

Avast is not alone in detecting something:
Critical Security Risk - https://quttera.com/detailed_report/kodamjaya-tniad.mil.id
Security pointers reported here - https://en.internet.nl/site/kodamjaya-tniad.mil.id/2566907/
Whilst considered a Low Security Risk - https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/kodamjaya-tniad.mil.id - There are hardening improvements listed.

Just because the military is not free from digital threats, even Microsoft has false positives. hahahaha