False positive report for SafeIP (freesafeip.com)


Some of our users are reporting our privacy software product “SafeIP” from freesafeip.com as a virus and are becoming frustrated with Avast, even after turning off some of the Avast protection, your software continues to block our product. Before releasing any software, we always scan it with 40+ virus scanners at virustotal.com, which shows the file is clean.

Avast is reporting the software as “Win32:Evo-gen”

Please investigate the issue and let me know what action was taken. I can ask our users running Avast for more information if needed.

Best regards,

Luc Peters


send us (virus@avast.com) the file to analyze, please. Put “False positive” to email subject.


See: http://www.threatexpert.com/report.aspx?md5=fa8fb79863687fab1239934a7d5bb121



Thank you for your replies. Sucuri was also having a false positive issue due to some Javascript on our site we wanted to protect from being copied. The function was not being used and has now been removed, thus our site is reported as verified clean:


If you like, we can post the decoded Javascript function and the website used to encode the Javascript.

For threatexpert, there is no threat I can see reported there, that page is showing details of what happens when our app is installed.

Any word yet on why our app would be blocked by some Avast users?

Best regards,

Luc Peters


We have sent SafeIP to virus@avast.com and have not heard any reply yet. How long does it usually take to get a reply? Somw of our users are still reporting that Avast falsely reports SafeIP as a rootkit.

Best regards,

Luc Peters

This report OK: http://www.intodns.com/freesafeip.com
For unblocking you have to wait on avast team action,
which could come with upcoming updates.
We here have no influence on this,



Thank you for your reply. We will wait for the Avast team as you mentioned and follow up later if our users still have the issue.

Best regards,

Luc Peters