False-positive? "rootkit" with WindowBlinds

I’ve been using Avast off and on over the years, along with a program called WindowBlinds. I’m sure most of you know what that is but if not, it basically just spruces up your desktop with themes and such. Makes it look a little neater than the default Windows style.

I’ve never had any trouble in the past but as of recently, Avast is detecting WindowBlinds as a “suspicious file”/“rootkit.” The warning message has an option to send the file to Avast for inspection, but I can’t figure out how to submit it. There’s just a checkbox and nothing else… no “send” button or whatever (if there should be one).

How do I go about submitting the file?

Here’s a screenshot of the message window:


Click ignore and let the option “Submit…” checked.
Hope they correct this false positive soon.