False Positive Submission

Hello , I come to you to ask you to kindly remove the false positive on programs.

Scan of : https://www.virustotal.com/fr/file/e80a3ddeca8b355ccb7d77557a23ca3f84ce386b7a8f8460805f3de3df82209d/analysis/1415550383/

Scan of : https://www.virustotal.com/fr/file/6ab23be10425b2046cc5a299e520a92e17d09eebb052f9e53457e5e0cc04d275/analysis/1415550345/

I am the protector of the source code, and we are forced to use our obfuscateurs / packeurs to protect are contained.
The file Winlogon : https://1fichier.com/?bj2jex9bpf

The file desinstallerTiranium : https://1fichier.com/?1an0fugi7j

Best Regards , Tiranium Staff

Winlogon.exe is a reserved windows file name so it is no surprise it is getting hammered

Yeah, its time for you to get your files digitally signed to get away of these issues, or rename the Winlogon.exe file to something else,
as it is one of your software protection components. :slight_smile:

I dont think detection is related to file name…

+1 There sure is a lot of red in those links.

Maybe the OP should follow these instructions https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=53253.msg451454#msg451454

I’ll contact a malware removal expert.

This is not an infection, he is part of the team of an Antivirus Company from France.

He is reporting that a file thats protecting the program is detected by Avast as malware.

He wants this to be fixed. :slight_smile:

This seems to beg the questions:

Why are you trying to run two different antivirus programs together?


Is the program supposedly protecting something acting a bit too much like malware itself?
