I tried to do that but they kept insisting it had to be in a password protected zip file and I can’t make a password protected zip file, just a regular zip file.
Since that tech support guy moved it to the chest, I don’t even have access to the file anymore and I can’t restore it to get access. I don’t know what he did but Avast will not restore the file for me to make a copy or submit to Virus Total.
Honestly at this point I’m seriously considering just reinstalling my OS if I can find my installation disks. I don’t know what to think anymore. Between this and the safezone problem I was having I think Avast is bugging out in a major way.
If it is in the chest then right click the file and select send to virus labs… Fill out the small form and once done trigger a manual update to send it
Well my thing is I can’t even restore the file. Avast isn’t letting me so if it turns out to be important I can’t get it back. I have no idea what the tech guy did. I thought he just moved it to the chest, but if that is the case I thought right click and restore should bring it back and then I would be able to scan it with virus total right? But it won’t come back.
I’m worried that guy may have broken something. Also he told me I was missing security updates but there are no missing updates, Windows Update says it has everything. Then because of that safezone problem he tried to tell me there is a problem with my computer, but I really don’t think so. I think it is a problem with Safezone. When I googled it it seemed pretty clear that it was a problem with the safezone computer I’m connecting to if I understood it right. I tried to explain it to him but I don’t think he got what I was saying.
Honestly I wish I had never called their tech support, I don’t think that guy knew what I was talking about. The forums people seem to know way better.
Like I said, it’s an audio driver file. Unless you’re having audio problems I wouldn’t sweat it. And, if you do find audio problems down the road, you can always install/reinstall drivers to remedy the problem.
Check Device Manager and see if you have any “bangs” [exclamation point or question mark] on any devices. If you don’t, then don’t worry about it.
Your other option is to do a system restore to a day BEFORE the Avast support guy was into your computer. But don’t do that if you don’t have any bangs in Device Manager! You’ll just make more work for yourself than is necessary.
I don’t understand what you mean by “Safe Zone on the computer you’re connecting to”. Is that the firewall you’re referring to? What computer is it on? If it’s on yours, I would get rid of it. It has lousy reviews on C|Net’s download.com. All you need on a W7-64 machine is Avast, Malwarebytes (free version), SuperAntiSpyware (free version), and a router with NAT and SPI (and safe-surfing habits, of course!)
I’m having the same problem right now. Avast! stored those programs into the virus chest and I can’t restore it no matter how many times I try. I hope it doesn’t affect the functionality of my computer. I’ve sent them a false positive report.
I’m talking about Safezone in Avast, the thing you use for safe banking. This is my topic on what was happening, I was getting a weird error message. It’s the reason I bought the internet security avast, for purchase security. http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=137413.msg1004778#msg1004778
Still no answer on this from Avast support. They sent me a notice that I hadn’t responded to their request to resubmit the file. I wrote them back saying that I can’t submit the file outside the Avast program because it won’t restore properly and I’ve tried sending them the false positive report from within Avast about ten times now.
I have no idea what’s going on and I just got an email saying they were closing my ticket due to lack of response. What the heck? I already responded!
I have submitted the files from 2 different computers. You guys should have them there. What is the problem? I can tell you that both computers had IDT audio issues which resolved after I restored the files.
BTW: the 2014 version UI is AWFUL. You can’t even find the chest!
Just resubmitted all 3 again from within Avast. Hopefully they will go through this time. Please note also that I cannot restore the files, Avast will not let me.
To be blunt, given this error and the error I keep getting with safezone, I don’t know what the hell happened but I officially give up. I’m reinstalling my OS, this is rubbish and I’m tired of trying to fix all these errors in Avast. Hopefully a clean install will sort out everything. If it doesn’t then I’m just going to have to switch back to the Free version of Avast. I don’t understand why the second I switch to the paid version I start having problems, but there it is.
Okay so I did a reinstall of my OS via the HP factory thing that is in the hard drive. Upon reinstalling Avast, I did not encounter the false positive until trying to update the drivers to the most current ones (from 10/21/12). It is called IDT-Audio-IDT Codec High Definition Audio and it is obtained via Windows Update. Tried to update 3 times and Avast blocked it every time, then upon boot scan Avast detected the file again as the following:
To be safe I submitted it to Virus Total. The result was that out of the 47 scanners they used, only Avast detected it as a problem. I told the boot scan to ignore it.
Seems that in people who have the current update, Avast detects it as 3 false positives. In cases where the computer does not have the current update, Avast blocks it and then detects the file in boot scans.
So we first reported this problem on 10/17/13 and I still have not seen a real response from Avast, not even an “I’m working on it”. I’m really getting miffed here. Several people have submitted these and received no answer.
I also spent about two hours on the phone with Tech support and the guy, while polite, seemed to have no idea what a false positive even was. I understand that with every update there will be bugs but at this point there needs to be some kind of yay or nay official response. They even closed my ticket without resolving anything.
I don’t know if they’re especially backed up or whatever but I’m really fed up. I reinstalled all the software on my computer just to ascertain what the problem is and it keeps coming back to Avast panicking over legit software.