False positive! Win32:WrongInf-E [Susp]

Hi guys i just wanted to report a false positive virus, Win32:WrongInf-E [Susp]

This was detected today during a scan, after some research i found this thread in the German avast forums: http://forum.avadas.de/threads/4889-Win32-WrongInf-E-Susp-Fehlalarm

If you use Google translate it basically says that avast is detecting the Samsumg 2233rz monitor driver as a virus which i can confirm. I tried to repair the detection but failed and when i used the delete option it deleted my Samsung mon driver.

I then performed a scan after deletion and it came up clean so i then scanned the OEM driver disk and it also came up clean, but as soon as i reinstalled the driver it scanned as detected again…

I can provide more details if needed, please advise me if there is a better way to report false positives?


Forgot to add, the full path to this virus was: C:\Program Files (x86).…\setup.exe


You can report a possible FP here: http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php?loadStyles

also upload and check the file at www.virustotal.com

I too found what I thought was the same false/positive file in my samsung setup.exe file in the installShield Installation Information folder under Program Files (x86).

So I had sent in a sample file to avast in which they reported back to me that the file was indeed positive. I had also ran a scan on virus total and it too came back positive.

I deleted it from my windows 8 system and have not had a problem with my monitor performance.

delete the file if you find it!