Our community website Yggtorrent is flagged as “contains malicious code” even though the site contains absolutely no malicious code!
This is the first time in several years that it has been flagged.
This is the URL: hxtps://yggtorrent.wtf/
Which is the official address of the site, as indicated on the Wikipedia page: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/YggTorrent
Here are some reports:
Thanks in advance
August 6, 2023, 9:18am
If you think it is wrong, then report it to avast lab
See here how to do it > https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=14433.msg1289438#msg1289438
We already did that, any idea of what causes this problem?
August 6, 2023, 9:40am
No, avast lab should tell you when/if they reply
Always check scan date on virustotal and refresh if old
August 6, 2023, 9:49am
Pondus and I are Avast users so we can’t really say why only the Avast Virus Labs team can do that and why Pondus gave the link.
You should get a response in a day or two.
However VT isn’t completely clear there are two hits and if you look at the Links rather than Details external links could also be the issue.
Some security issues reported here - https://en.internet.nl/site/yggtorrent.wtf/2252771/
Medium Security Risk reported here - https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/https/yggtorrent.wtf - with some hardening improvement suggestions.
Minimal Security Risk reported here - https://quttera.com/detailed_report/yggtorrent.wtf
We’ve already checked that, there are no external links that are blacklisted or malicious.
Also, as you say, the scanners report a few minor-medium problems, nothing too serious to justify this blacklisting…
An answer from Avast Lab would be appreciated.
Best regards
August 6, 2023, 1:12pm
As I said - You should get a response in a day or two. - from the virus labs team.
We’re still waiting reply from them.
No member from the staff to answer us?
August 6, 2023, 11:47pm
One as has been said it may take a day or two for an answer (and possible longer given it is a weekend) and this topic is only a day old (on less you sent an FP report before that).
The only people that can give a response are Avast Virus Labs members, not all Avast members can analyse this and answer.
Ok thank you for your reactivity.
I forgot we were Sunday