False Positive

avast! 4 latest updates alerts me to a malware spotted in the Temp files when browsing to the URL http://www.k-lite.tk .

Just to help :slight_smile: I love avast, and the new website!!

Here this website is blocked by an adequqte hosts file.
So I suppose it is reputed to have malwares.

You should check your IE Security settings! Or just disable ActiveX
Websites with so much Popups and ActivX Elements are allways Suspicious!:wink:

I have IESPYAD for IE, and Proxo for all browsers. THis appears in all the browsers I use… and I have ActiveX on Prompt.

The whole idea of the product and site is taking OUT malware and spyware, so surely there must be something odd about this?

Hm, i do not know that Software, but even the software has to download something to descide if it is malware or not and if it is writen to Harddisk Avasts Resident Protection will examin it and will allert. But maybe a Avast Guy will answer us this question and if it is a false alarm or not!:slight_smile: