False Positive!

avast (with 0660-0 vps) falsely detected a system file on my new DELL PC. :cry: I didn’t delete it – but moved it to the vault which is the normal thing to do. After moving it, I got an WinXP error, "Cannot find, import, DLL. May be missing, corrupt or wrong version- error-5".

I restored the file, but my OS still alarms with the mssg above every time I switch users or reboot. According to DELL, the only way I can fix this is to ‘reinstall’ WinXP OS… or do a system restore. I really don’t want to do that as I just installed 49 updates for the OS on this new machine. I would think there would be a way to replace the file in ‘safe mode’ some way. Not being real familiar with WinXP, isn’t there a backup of sys files in a cabinet?

The file name is: “ezi_gdi.dll” and is located in C:\program files\Dell Network Assistant. Avast says it’s, “Win32: Agent-DTW”. The work around I did was to ‘exclude’ that file from being scanned – and to stop the error, I went into ‘msconfig’ to the startup items and set “Dell network assistant” NOT to load at startup. Not a big deal unless I want to connect a network.

I submitted a report to avast along with the 104 K file.

It should be… but, are you receiving a message that you can’t ‘replace’ the file?
If you try to restore it from Chest, which error do you get?

If the file belongs to DELL, I don’t think it will be into XP files…

I had the same warning today and the file in question is .dll file used by Dell Network assistant. I clicked on “take no action”, and still the program returns the same error as you. The program no longer starts, and the file is still in the correct folder, but Avast seems to have corrupted it in some way.

I don’t think you need to re-install XP. Network assistant maybe! Another example of Dells great customer support!

I need a way to correct this if possible.


If you try to restore it from Chest, which error do you get?

I don’t get an error upon restoring the file. It looks like it restores the file okay (at least I can see it is where it is supposed to be). But – the date of the file is today’s date rather than when ever DELL built the box. Maybe that’s why the PC doesn’t like it and says, “corrupt or wrong version- error-5”.?

If the file belongs to DELL, I don't think it will be into XP files...
Good point. It's not a big problem unless I want to network. THEN it will be a problem.

I played around with this before I went out to work this morning. System Restore etc. Nothing I did worked, as the resident protection always noticed the file when it loaded. Went to work.

Came home, Avast updated, and all now works fine.

Thanks Avast!


Yep – I see now that avast doesn’t find the file stored in the ‘vault’ as infected. That’s good. I tried restoring the file again (overwriting what is there from yesterday). I’ll see if my Dell PC will be happy with that file now.

Will post back my results after re-enabling “Dell Netwk Assistant”.

Yea!! Restoring the file after avast scanned with an updated vps (0661-0) evidentally fixed the file. Restoring the file worked!!!

Thanks a lot avast!

Glad you’ve finally got your system working correctly again. :slight_smile:

I had the same experience with the Dell Network Assistant “ezi_gdi.dll” file, but… 2hrs later, Avast also quarantined, as infected, in the chest, “A0004307.dll” C:\System Volume Information _restore{…}

What can I do about this, and has anyone else see this?

How do I report this - can anyone form Avast comment?

I’m a bit of a novice can someone say how I restore the Dell file and the Volume dll?


It will be good to Enable/Disable System restore on Windows XP: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;[LN];310405
Do you mean the file was at that folder?
Also, schedule a boot time scanning with avast. Start avast! > Right click the skin > Schedule a boot-time scanning. Select for scanning archives. Boot.

It will be good too if you download, install, update and run other trojan remover tools:
Free AVG Antispyware