Hi, I installed the latest version of Avast Free Antivirus on Windows XP SP3, and in the exclusions from the real-time protection I entered two exceptions: 1. a folder in C: and 2. the file contained in the same folder in C:, but Avast is still reporting the file as a threat (but it is not a threat because I know the file), although in the pop up that appears every time after turning on the computer I have pressed the button to automatically add it to the exclusions. This problem repeats itself, and I would like to know how to permanently exclude it from protection in real time. Thank you.
Can you show exactly what text you entered in the Exclusions and which exclusions area you used ?
An image of the avast alert could be helpful.
Sorry for the trouble. I realized what the problem was, I forgot to add the file in the 'Exclusions '. Thanks again for the concern. Andrea
I had added the file only in the scans exclusions. Thanks ! Andrea
You’re welcome, good to hear that it is now working for you.